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Urbanistic & Landscape

Climatic Risks
Treviso airport | 2013

This is a study and analysis about the climatic change risks around the Treviso airport area. At the end of this accurated analysis I made some Visions that explains what the climatic change could provocate at the urban area near the Airport of Treviso.

Treviso airports
Treviso | 2013

This is an analysis of the Treviso Airports (Istrana and Canova airport) starting from the Veneto general mobility system dividing the Urban layers.

I studied for each airport the relationship between main roads and urbanized Areas, the primary and secondary roads, the intersection between the Sile river and the viability and the general airports restrictions.

Flood Risks
Portugal airports | 2013

This is an analysis of the Portucal airports flood risks. The first analysis of the Portela airport showed that the airport doesn’t risk for flood but has other problems like the position.

The analysis showed for the other two Airports high flood risk and a similar relationship with the landscape and the city; looking for the opinions of expert (as pilots) I found that maybe the Montijo Airport is the best choice in matter of aerial maneuver.



A new Marina
Torviscosa | 2011

The project upgrade the entire industrial area of Torviscosa, in a scenario that moves the whole industry from the town of Friuli, to convert it into a not only regional but also nationally touristic attraction. The design of the new dock poses an opportunity for the creation of other activities related to the tourism sector, as a small “city of sport”, a large park for all kinds of events, a multi-purpose park, with swimming area, with facilities for leisure and nature, a village aimed at guests’ relaxation, surrounded by greenery and a new marina with facilities for visitors who come to Torviscosa. 




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